Jan. 24 Spring Drill:
This will be located at Steve Hicks Farm, accommadations will be provided if you wish to stay the night.
Feb. is still open
March 13-14 Drill:
This event will be held at Fort Bellefontaine.
April 16-18 Auburn.
April 30 - May 2 Price's Raid :
This event will also be held at Fort Bellefontaine.
(Last weekend in May will be a working day to get the battle field ready for the Pittsfield event-the 12th will be hosting
this event)
June 4-6 Pittsfield:
June 19-20 Jacksonville:
July 17-18 Unit party:
Location unknown for right now.
Aug. 14-15 Galesburg:
Sept. OPEN:
Oct. 1-2-3 Franklin, TN:
Dec. 11 Chirstmas Part:
Doug and Susan house.
Check out the Weather for this weekend's event